The Best Conclusion That Can Be Drawn From Jackã¢â‚¬â„¢s Words Is That He Is

Virginia has been a university English teacher for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier.

You've heard of sentence starters, but how do you use them? Read on to learn how!

You've heard of sentence starters, just how do y'all use them? Read on to learn how!

Better Your Writing Today!

Can you rapidly and easily amend your writing? Absolutely! For over 20 years, I've taught these tips to students and seen their writing dramatically improve. Why?

  • Using transition words helps you lot resist the habit of using a simple discipline-verb sentence structure.
  • Transitions link your ideas more effectively and create more nuanced meaning.
  • Finally, transitions brand your writing sound more professional person and less similar spoken language.

In this article, I intermission down how to: choose transition phrases, use different words for points inside your argument, and conclude your essay smoothly.

What Is a Transition Word?

A transition give-and-take is a word or phrase that shows the relationship between ideas. Usually, a transition give-and-take is used at the showtime of a sentence. use sequential transitions, and conclude your argument in an interesting style!

Finding the perfect words can be tricky, but what's more important than 'perfect' words are 'different' words.

Finding the perfect words can be tricky, but what's more important than 'perfect' words are 'different' words.

How to Use This Sentence Starter Resource

The most important, basic tip to speedily improve your writing is to follow one rule:

Showtime every sentence in a paragraph with a unlike word.

How can ane accomplish this? There two dissimilar approaches:

  1. Use the transition listing equally you write: Call up nigh how the sentences in your paragraph chronicle to i another. Are you comparing and contrasting 2 ideas? Use "Showing Contrast" transition words in the table below. Are you writing about steps in a procedure or edifice an argument? Then use the "Adding to an Idea" transition words below. When writing virtually something that happened, utilise the "Sequence/Time" transitions I've provided.
  2. Using the transition list while you are revising: Sometimes, it is easier not to worry about these words until your terminal draft phase, particularly if you are a offset writer. How do you lot do this? Use the following tips:
  • Go through your first draft and circumvolve the first word in every judgement.
  • If you lot apply the same discussion to start a sentence twice in a paragraph, and so yous need to cull another transition discussion and re-word the sentence based on what type of paper yous are writing.

How to Choose the Start of a Sentence

Transitions improve your writing by forcing you to explicate the connections betwixt your ideas. With this in mind, what is the all-time way to choose a starting time word or phrase for each sentence? Ask yourself:

  1. What does the sentence earlier this one say?
  2. What does the sentence earlier this one mean?
  3. How does this judgement relate to the following sentence?
  4. Scan the listing for a transition that seems to fit best based on your answers to the above.

More Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Transition

Y'all can also employ these questions to determine what type of transition is advisable:

  • Does this sentence add together data? Utilise: moreover, furthermore, additionally, not only . . . just also, or another improver transition.
  • Does the sentence contrast or contradict? Use: nonetheless, on the other hand, in contrast, yet, conversely, or some other dissimilarity transition.
  • Are you writing something that happens in gild? Employ: next, then, in fact, similarly, or a time discussion similar first, second, third, and finally. Alternatively, employ another sequential transition.
  • Does this sentence add prove? Employ: for instance, consequently, for this reason, or some other addition transition.
  • Does the sentence emphasize an idea? Use: obviously, especially, as a rule, particularly, or some other accent transition.
  • Does the sentence beginning your decision: Apply: finally, in determination, in sum, patently, or another conclusion transition.

Read More than From Owlcation

Tips for Using Transition Words and Phrases

1. Use a variety of transition words, not the same i.

2. Put a comma after the transition word.

three. Put the subject of the sentence after the comma.

Choosing the right word to start, end, and transition topics can make or break an essay.

Choosing the right word to start, cease, and transition topics tin can brand or suspension an essay.

Transition Words for Each Argument

As I've mentioned higher up, it's critical to choose a transition give-and-take based on the type of argument yous're making and what the previous sentence was about. Hither I list out the most appropriate transition words for

  • contrasting ideas,
  • adding more data to a prior thought,
  • cause and effect situations, and
  • ideas that emphasize your quondam judgement/idea.
Words to Show Contrast Words to Add to an Thought Words That Prove Cause Words That Add together Emphasis







as a result

in a higher place all




equally a dominion

in contrast

too as


as usual


another reason

due to


in comparison

forth with

for this reason



as well

for this purpose



coupled with







on the 1 paw…on the other manus

for example


mostly speaking

on the contrary

in add-on

and then then

for the most part

other than



in this situation

outside of

in fact


no doubt (undoubtedly)







this is why

of course









different from


following this


even though


equally you tin see



one other matter

for all of those reasons


Use a Variety of Words When Citing Examples

It's likely that throughout your statement you will use examples to support your claims. The following transition words and phrases will assist yous smoothly motion into your instance or commendation.

Example: Using Transition Words to Cite Examples

They should be used when the following structure is implemented:

  • Thought, [example/commendation transition] instance or citation.

For example:

  • Despite being many different colors in the wild, foxes are oftentimes depicted as cerise-orange in movies. This tin exist seen in the movie The Fox and the Hound, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Robin Hood.
  • Broken down: Despite being many different colors in the wild, foxes are often depicted every bit ruby-orange in movies [idea]. This tin can exist seen in [instance/commendation transition] the movie The Play tricks and the Hound, The Fantastic Mr. Fob, and Robin Hood [case(s)].

Utilise any of these alternatives to add clarity and variety to your writing.


as an analogy


this tin be seen in


for one thing

in particular (especially)


for/equally an case

illustrated with/by


such every bit

for instance

in this example


in fact

These simple suggestions can take your essay all the way to an 'A' grade!

These simple suggestions can take your essay all the way to an 'A' grade!

Use Different Words to Society Events

When writing most a sequential or linear event, it's of import to maintain clarity by noting the specific order of the ideas as they occur. Nosotros're straying from our flim-flam example here in club to illustrate a longer narrative.

Case: Using Transition Words to Bespeak Sequence/Order of Events

Without transition words:

Liz went to the shop to go some groceries. She ran into her roommate Joy in the produce section. They argued about whether they were out of blueberries and what they should buy for dinner. Joy insisted that she was amend at choosing ripe avocados. Liz retorted that Joy didn't know how to make guacamole correctly and that she was tired of Mexican food every night. They bickered for five minutes. Joy'due south telephone rang. It was their friend Marking inviting them over to his house for dinner. Listening, Liz smiled and nodded. Joy laughed and told him, "We are on our manner!"

With transition words:

Afterwards work, Liz went to the store to become some groceries. In the produce department, she ran into her roommate Joy. Starting time of all, they argued near whether they were out of blueberries, and secondly what they should purchase for dinner. Next, Joy insisted that she was better at choosing ripe avocados. Simultaneously, Liz retorted that Joy didn't know how to make guacamole correctly and that she was tired of Mexican food every night. Subsequently, they bickered for v minutes. Joy's telephone rang. Luckily, it was their friend Mark inviting them over to his firm for dinner. Listening, Liz smiled and nodded. Joy laughed and told him, "We are on our way!"

Use a wide variety of words to show how ideas are chronologically related.

generally... furthermore... finally


for now

later on

first... second... third...


with this in mind

in plow

in the first place... also... lastly




to be certain... additionally... lastly


in the meantime


first... simply in the same way... finally


for the time being

and so

basically... similarly... as well equally

outset of all

the next step



to begin with

in conclusion


at first

in the first place

in time


Paragraph Starters When Summarizing an Argument

When wrapping up an argument, it's crucial to go on the reader engaged all the way to the end. Use a phrase that flows naturally given your prior argument (and be sure you've thoroughly proven your point throughout your paper!)

Instance: Using Transition Words to Conclude an Statement

Transitions to indicate the summary should be used when the following structure is implemented:

  • [transition], terminal idea/thesis argument.

For case:

  • In short, foxes are many different colors but are frequently portrayed every bit orange and red in films.
  • Broken down: In short, [transition] foxes are many different colors but are oftentimes portrayed as orange and red in films [concluding idea].

Use a wide variety of words to sum upward the point yous are making.

all in all

in brief

in short

that is (that is to say)

after all

in any event

in other words

on remainder

all things considered

in determination

in brief



in essence

in summary

to put information technology differently

by and large


in the final analysis

to sum up


on the whole

in the long run

to summarize

in any instance





once and for all


at the terminate

Commonly Asked Questions About Transitions and Essays

Y'all may have a number of questions about different types of essays, how they are structured, and how transition words relate to the essay type. I've answered some commonly asked questions below!

How Many Types of Essays Are There? Can I Use Transitions in All of Them?

There are four mutual essay types and you can use transitions in all of them! The types of essay are:

  • Expository
  • Descriptive
  • Narrative
  • Argumentative

Most examples in this article focus on the expository and argumentive essay types.

How Do I Structure a Simple Expository Essay or Argumentative Essay?

Many expository and argumentative essays have like organization and can be broken down as follows:

  • First paragraph: Thesis statement/argument
  • Second paragraph: I case
  • Third paragraph: Another reason
  • Quaternary paragraph: A third explanation
  • Quaternary paragraph: Kickoff, second, and tertiary reasons
  • Fifth paragraph: Furthermore, an of import indicate
  • Fifth paragraph: Moreover, the near compelling reason
  • Fifth paragraph: Connect prior points all together
  • Sixth paragraph: Decision/summary

Can You Use Too Many Transitions?

Discover how transition words and phrases create a context for the story fifty-fifty when they're non used in every judgement? Transitions bring to light the implications of a paragraph where a lack of transitions leaves the story flat.

Delight note that it'south important to use transitions, but not to overdo it! Starting a judgement in the same way fourth dimension and again (transition, idea) tin can bog down your writing. One way to maximize the efficiency of your transitions is to use them to kickoff a paragraph and finish a paragraph in the last or 2d to last judgement. This would take the form:

  • [Transition linking thought from prior paragraph to new idea in new paragraph]. [Argument for new idea (several sentences)]. [Transition linking new thought to next idea].

Improving Your Writing Over Time

Simply post-obit my tips to add together transition words to your essay tin frequently make your essay much meliorate and will probably better your grade. Inevitably, as soon as I tell my classes about this technique their writing improves dramatically. Meliorate withal, the more you lot practice placing transition words, the more than you volition use the technique when writing your first draft.

This technique trains yous to think about how your ideas relate to one another. Transitions will aid you write essays that are deeper, more connected, and logically sound. If you've found this technique helpful, or if you have another sentence starting techniques, please add your comments below to assistance out other writers.

More than Judgement and Paragraph Starter Resources

  • Transitions from the Purdue Online Writing Lab
    Transition words and phrases are used to relate ideas. Writers may use transitions within paragraphs or between paragraphs and then that ideas menses smoothly betwixt sentences and between paragraphs. This resources details common transitions.
  • Transitional Devices from the Purdue Online Writing Lab
    Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your paper. They are cues that assistance the reader to interpret ideas a paper develops. This resources details some examples of transitional devices and how to utilise them.
  • Sentence Starters, Transitions, and Other Useful Words
    It tin sometimes be hard to start a sentence to express ideas or find words to show the human relationship between ideas. This is a list of possible sentence starters, transitions, and other words that may be useful.

This content is accurate and true to the all-time of the author'south knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.

Questions & Answers

Question: What are other words can I use instead of "I" when writing an essay?

Answer: If you are writing in the starting time person, yous can't avoid using "I" all the time. Even so, a good strategy is to avoid putting "I" at the beginning of every sentence. Using the "Easy Words to use as Judgement Starters" lists before the "I" can help you to brand the sentences seem more varied. You tin can also use phrases such every bit:

Equally a person with an instruction background, I feel that...

Having experience in the military, I understand...

With five children in uncomplicated schoolhouse, my experience has enabled me to...

Personally, the story told past the author seemed irrelevant to the word...

For me, the experiences in this article are a valid argument almost...

Considering the question carefully, this author feels that the most important point is...

This writer feels that people who are born in California are more likely to...

In my stance, the facts stated are sufficient to evidence...

Although they tin exist somewhat awkward, you tin can also utilize phrases like: "this writer." "people similar myself who are born in California, " or "in my opinion" to indicate yourself.

Question: What would be another fashion to say, "I believe that...?"

Answer: Here are some ideas:

"I concur..."

"Without a doubt, I accept the concept that..."

"Truthfully, I agree with.....that..."

Question: What is a good way to starting time a sentence?

Respond: There are many good ways of starting a sentence. A typical way of starting a sentence in English language is with the discipline. However, that can get monotonous and that is why I advise that yous endeavor using some of these sentence starters, or "ing" words (called gerunds) or other types of phrases which come before the subject field.

Question: What are other words to use instead of using "I" all the time?

Answer: If you are writing in the first person, you can't avert using "I." However, if you follow the like shooting fish in a barrel five tips, I give for writing better sentences:

you lot volition exist able to hide the fact that you are using "I" a lot by not starting every sentence with the personal pronoun.

Question: What is the best style to start a story?

Answer: Start a story with a vivid illustration, a story, a question, or a personal example.

Question: I keep on using "this" to start a sentence, similar I will say "this disruption caused..." or "this corruption later created a...". Is at that place any way that I tin use a different word, or transition to get rid of the repetition?

Answer: Avoiding "this" is an excellent style to improve your writing. You can certainly apply any of these sentence starters to help you out. With a sentence starter, you might still use "this," but information technology won't stand out every bit repetitive. Additionally, you might want to think almost other ways to state the bespeak or combine two ideas together into one longer sentence. See the post-obit:

Inevitably, this disruption caused a problem in society because corruption began to exist seen at all levels. Bribes were expected by all public officials. Therefore, the disruption...Moreover, the problem started...Furthermore, without having any style to stop information technology, the officials in charge began to....this system of abuse.

Question: Are yous a existent person?

Answer: Yes, I am a existent English instructor. I take worked for over xx years at a large private University in the U.s.. My biography and picture are on my profile page. I personally answer to all comments and questions which have substance and would be useful to more than just one person. Everything on VirginiaLynne has been written by me, and well-nigh of the writing articles are adult from the instructional materials I've written for my ain classes.

Question: Is at that place any word that tin can be used instead of "must" or "should"?

Answer: Here are some alternatives:







our duty

need to




be forced to

be compelled to


it is de rigueur

socially obligatory

Question: What discussion can I utilise instead of nowadays to offset an essay?

Answer: At this period in history


Almost of us know call up

In general

In the present moment

Question: How would you substitute a discussion for "she" and "he" if yous're writing about a specific person?

Reply: Good question because pronouns are already a substitute for the person'due south name. And so you can use the proper noun or a description of the person, such as their chore "the teacher" or what they look like, "the alpine, dark-headed human being with blue eyes," or what they are wearing, "the girl in the blue dress." However, information technology is fine to use the pronouns also and most readers won't think they are overused unless your sentences are likewise short and too repetitive in style. That is where you lot can use my sentence starters (in this article) and hints about how to write sentences to ameliorate:

Question: What is some other word or phrase I can utilize instead of "this" after using a quote? For case, if my sentences goes like this: "Foucault says "power is knowledge." This highlights that" what can I use at the get-go of my 2nd sentence?

Answer: Using "this" is not incorrect, simply you demand to say a substantive to betoken what "this" you are talking about. For example, "This phrase highlights..." When you lot utilize a noun with "this" you clarify what you are talking about and also avoid sentences that sound unprofessional. Another way to practise this is to re-write:

Foucault's phrase "power is knowledge" highlights...

Question: What is another way of saying "at that place are"?

Answer: Using "there are" is not an incorrect style to write a judgement, but you don't want any phrase to be overused in your essay. In general, I suggest that you lot do not use the aforementioned word or phrase twice in any one paragraph. The best way to supervene upon phrases like "there are" is to either put ane of my sentence starters in front end, or to reorganize the words in a sentence. Here are some examples, starting with the "there are" sentence and so variations:

1. There are 2 dissimilar solutions to this trouble of trying to proceed teenagers away from too much social media use: having them go a job and taking abroad their phone.

two. Two solutions to the trouble of trying to keep teenagers away from as well much social media use are having them get a job, and taking abroad their phones.

three. Taking away their phones tin help solve the trouble of trying to keep teenagers away from besides much social media utilise and so can having them go a job.

Question: What is some other grouping of words that I can use instead of "Most of..."?

Reply: Your all-time choice for substitutes for "most of" would be "many," "a considerable number," or "almost all."

Question: What are some synonyms for "important"?

Reply: Synonyms for of import would be:









Question: Can you offset a judgement with the discussion "every bit"?

Answer: Aye, and hither are some examples:

As I was walking into the room, I saw a gun pointing at me.

Equally if I was really accustomed to such a situation, I calmly asked: "Who are you?"

As a person of considerable means, Martha assumed the stranger was holding her for ransom.

Question: Exercise you have any suggestions for starting an email with something other than "You may have seen...?"

Reply: Here are some other possible phrases to use:

Perhaps yous take noticed...

In case yous accept non noticed, I wanted to signal out to you lot...

I suspect you lot take seen...

Another way to practise this is to talk most the location of what you await them to have seen:

In the commodity I sent to you the other day, you might take seen...

In my previous email, you lot probably noticed...

During the conference call, you might have seen...

Question: Is in that location a better wording for "I am?"

Answer: You tin supersede the "am" with a more active verb which describes what you are saying. You can likewise add an adverb (give-and-take ending in "ly" which describes the verb). A final way to vary your word choice is to add some of these judgement starters. Here are some examples:

I hike...

I adopt...

I enjoy...

I often say...

I sometimes defer...

I occasionally turn down...

Moreover, I feel that...

Additionally, I don't care for...

However, I've never liked...

Conclusively, I correspond a person who...

Question: What words tin can I utilize instead of "did you know?"

Answer: What many people don't know...


The fact is...

Studies explain...

Researchers take ended...

Question: What words should I utilise instead of "therefore"?

Answer: "Therefore" is a word that indicates y'all are giving a conclusion based on the evidence previously presented. Here are some words and phrases that can be substituted for "therefore":

Because of this

As a result

In other words

My conclusion is

A conclusion tin be drawn from this that

A generalization that can be made is






That existence then

That being the case

On that account

And then


Question: What is another fashion to say "I think, or I believe?"

Answer: In my stance

On reflection, information technology is my thought

I evaluate

I would appraise the situation as

My speculation is that

The way I have hammered this out in my mind is

What I have in mind is

I resolve the situation by thinking

I reflect that

I imagine that

I conceive

I gauge

I ruminate

Meditating on this situation, I would say that

Question: Can I start a phrase in my essay using the word since? I am not immune to start by writing "as." What give-and-take can I use to link a phrase with the i before?

Answer: Using one of the connecting transition words is a good manner to link one judgement with another. You can also utilize "since." Other adept choices are "because," "moreover," "additionally," and "furthermore." Which one you employ depends on the relationship between the two sentences. Hither is an instance:

I added blueberries to the top of the salad we are having for dinner. Since Danielle doesn't like blueberries, I made a small salad without them for her.

In this example, you could supersede "since" with "considering" for basically the same causal relationship. However, you could too use one of the other iii words if you wanted to emphasize "I also did this other matter."

Question: What are other words can I apply instead of "the study" when writing a research paper?

Answer: Y'all tin utilize: the article, this research report, the enquiry, the data studied, this study, this projection, and this scientific investigation.

Question: How exercise I get-go a paragraph?

Answer: There are several means to answer this question, then, I will try to encompass all of the information possible on this topic.

i. Sentence starters are first-class words to apply as the commencement word in a paragraph because they will help you link the ideas of each paragraph together. For instance, if the essay is about reasons that Indian food is so tasty, these possible first sentences of the body could be done:

1. First of all, Indian food is wonderful because it uses so many spices...

two. Furthermore, the wonderful taste of Indian nutrient comes from the training...

3. Ultimately, the taste of Indian nutrient comes from the multifariousness of ingredients and the creativity of cooks...

2. There are many correct ways to start a paragraph, merely in standard English, it is typical to begin each paragraph (except for the first paragraph in an essay) with the topic judgement. A topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph. The rest of the paragraph will explain the topic judgement and give examples and reasons to back up that assertion.

In the outset paragraph of an essay, you will generally requite examples first and and so put the thesis sentence at the stop of the paragraph. The thesis sentence is the main idea of the whole essay.

3. Finally, in case the question is really about the formatting of the paragraph, it is of import to know that each paragraph in English is indented, and starts with a majuscule letter (as practice all beginning words in an English sentence).

Question: How can I motivate a reader in the first sentence of an open letter?

Answer: I frequently advise students to use a question as an opening argument because that helps to get the reader to think about the topic. Another good way to motivate a reader of a letter of the alphabet is to nowadays them with a startling statistic, dramatic story, or interesting fact. Sometimes judgement starters can be helpful in making your judgement more interesting. Here are some sample openings to sentences:

Accept you always wondered what would happen if...?

Did y'all know that 59% of all African-American men believe...?

You lot may not believe it, but the truth is that...

Of a sudden, with no warning from anyone...

Nothing tin can prepare yous for...

On the 1 hand nosotros all know...., but, on the other hand, none of us does annihilation nearly information technology.

Question: What'due south a good manner to start a paragraph when you are comparison two characters?

Answer: Commencement with describing the ii characters and contrasting them.

Question: Can you cease a sentence with "that is"?

Answer: I don't think that phrase would brand an effective ending of a sentence unless yous were using it in a conversation.

Question: Are there unlike types of essays?

Answer: In that location are many different types of essays that I have written articles about, including:





Cause and Effect



Visual Image

Summary, Assay and Response



Problem Solution


You tin can notice many sample topics on these types of essays on my web pages. You can also detect pace by footstep instructions on how to write these essays.

Question: Does an essay have to have a bibliography?

Answer: If an essay uses sources, it should include a bibliography which lists the works cited in the essay.

Question: What are some words to use as well "the"?

Respond: "The" is the only definite article we have in the English linguistic communication and there isn't an actual substitute for saying "the lawn," "the canis familiaris" or "the man." We utilize "the" when there is only one possible thing it could exist talking nearly, and the audience knows exactly which ane it would be.

In full general, yous really can't overuse the word "the." Even so, your question is probably referring to the problem of your sentences sounding too simple and general. To get rid of that problem, you tin can substitute a clearer and more specific description of the thing you are referring to rather than the simple "the ...." Here are some samples:

"The man" could be John (his proper name), our dentist (our relationship to him), that human being I met in the subway (a description of a situation), that rather sparse and older human (a description of his appearance).

Question: What are other words can I use instead of "So"?

Reply: Therefore


In conclusion

As a result

Question: What are other means to start an essay?

Reply: Good ways to start an essay are to apply:

a real-life story from the news or history

a story from your own life or someone you know (a personal story)

a story from fiction, T.V., or a movie

an example of a typical state of affairs which illustrates the problem or state of affairs y'all are talking nigh

a chat between two people well-nigh the effect (existent or made up)

facts that everyone knows near the situation

statistics nigh the situation


an caption of the problem

more than than ane of the higher up.

For example, I often advise that students starting time with a personal example of the situation to draw in the reader'due south attending and and so have them give statistics to show the scope of the problem. With any of these examples, you can still use the sentence starters in this article to make your sentences pop out.

Question: What are other sentence starters for "This is because?"

Respond: What y'all are describing is a "cause" transition. Here are some possibilities:


As a result...

Considering of this... and then...

On account of


The reason for

When Twenty occurred, information technology acquired XX

One thing that resulted was...

One affair that caused this situation was...

Question: Tin I start a sentence using the word "My"? Example: My hoarding of unnecessary things is getting out of hand.

Answer: My answer has to be yes! Every bit long equally you apply "my" as the possessive of something it works. In my example "my answer" uses "my" with a noun and describes whose respond information technology is. In your example, the "my" is used with a phrase describing an activity "hoarding of unnecessary things" which is the subject of the judgement.

Question: Instead of saying "I believe" at the start of a sentence what could I say?

Answer: You tin add manyof the other sentence starters in front of "I believe" to brand a change. You tin also say:

After reading the decision, I idea...

Ultimately, I am convinced...

The author's argument is not disarming in some points....

What seems authentic to me in this piece is...

Here are some alternatives to "I believe"

Sometimes, instructors want you to keep the kickoff person "I" out of the essay. If that is the example, you can say:

In conclusion, there seems to be...

The significant which the reader takes from this is...

The author'due south intention seems to be...

Ultimately, the reader is left feeling...

Question: What sentence starters should I use when writing a persuasive essay?

Answer: Judgement starters are especially important in persuasive writing considering they intensify your language and point the reader towards what you feel is most important. Any of these sentence starters will work, just persuasive writing sometimes focuses on the more than common or emotionally charged language, avoiding the more bookish-sounding words. Here are some examples,

Indeed, you lot can see that...

In fact, the result of not following this policy is...

Conversely, we know that...

No doubtfulness, the reply is...

Less persuasive (unless you are highly-seasoned to an academic audience) would exist:

Hence nosotros believe that...

Appropriately, the reply is...

For this reason, nosotros have chosen to say...

Question: What words can I starting time an essay with?

Respond: Any words tin be used to start an essay and there isn't really any particular words or phrase that works all-time. Generally, I tell students to begin a first typhoon of an essay by setting a timer and just writing down everything they call back or know most the newspaper topic. This does not have to be full sentences. You can write down just words or phrases. After you've written for well-nigh 5-10 minutes, stop and re-read what you have. If you haven't yet decided on a thesis question, this is a skillful time to choose one. The next step is to respond that question, which makes your thesis reply (primary thesis argument). From there, yous can decide on your introduction, body, and conclusion. I take many unlike manufactures on how to write different kinds of essays. Y'all tin Google the type of essay you are writing with my name and this website and yous tin find a full set up of instructions.

Question: What is a good sentence to end an introductory paragraph with?

Answer: Stop your introduction with the topic question. The thesis will exist the answer to that question and information technology tin can be put after the question or as the beginning of the adjacent paragraph. Here is information almost writing thesis sentences from my article: of cake-Means-to-Write...

Question: What would be some other way to say "in the middle of the story...?"

Answer: Hither are some other ways to talk about the middle of a story:

At the climax of the action

Before the last ending

Later establishing the beginning situation

The story continues

At the mid-indicate in the story

Halfway through, the story continues with

In the meantime

Question: What other words can I utilise instead of "I"?

Respond: If you are writing in the first person, you really tin can't go away from using "I" only y'all can put these sentence starters in front of the "I" so that it doesn't jump out at the reader. As a matter of fact, I commonly introduce sentence starters to my class when nosotros are doing a personal essay. I have them notice how many times they start a sentence in the personal essay with "I" and then I have them circle all of those "I" sentences. Next, I have them scan the listing of words and put 1 or more in front of the "I" sentences. Another pull a fast one on is to take a sentence and invert it and so that the "I" is not the first word. Here is an instance:

Bad Example: I wanted to explicate how to use sentence starters and so I used many "I" sentences in this respond.

Rewrite: Considering I wanted to explain how judgement starters piece of work, I used many "I sentences in this answer. Get back and see what I did to "eliminate" the "I"!

Question: Which words can I use to start a paragraph? Can we start the paragraph with transition words?

Answer: Transition words brand an excellent first word in a paragraph because they help you explicate how that paragraph is linked to the ideas in the previous paragraph.

Question: How practice I write my essay introduction when comparing 2 texts?

Answer: Your introduction should explain the main betoken of your essay and what you think is the main differences and/or similarities in the two texts. Y'all can start with a description or brusque story from each of the two which shows that comparing.

Question: l ever start sentences with ''the'' can you help me to terminate, please?

Reply: "The" is not an incorrect word to use to starting time a sentence but you never want to use the same word over and over because it makes your sentences sound repetative and non as professional. If you are using "the" repeatedly, it probably means yous are always writing sentences which start with the subject field. To fix that, you can switch sentences around to put the object first, add one of these transition sentence starters, or merely reword the sentence. For examples and information about writing unlike kinds of sentences, meet my article about "5 Easy Tips to Write Better Sentences in English

Question: What are other words tin can I use instead of "My" when writing an essay?

Answer: The word "my" is a possessive pronoun which doesn't really have a substitute. "The pen" is not the same as "my pen" or "his pen," and you would want to employ the "my" if it is important to note that the pen belongs to yous. You could write, "the pen belonging to me was stolen" instead of "my pen was stolen" only that is a rather awkward and primitive phrasing. Information technology is probably better to apply "my" when yous need it to indicate that it belongs to you and to work on varying your sentences by using my methods in my 5 Piece of cake Tips to Write Better Sentences:

Question: If I had to cocky-evaluate myself in a speech, How would I first?

Respond: I'd beginning with a story that would bear witness both your good and bad points. For example, a time that you spent a whole day getting prepare for a friend's altogether but to find out that you'd gotten the incorrect day. And then you could say what that reveals near you. I this example you could say, "This shows that I'm a thoughtful person, but not e'er very conscientious about the details."

Question: How many sentences should there exist in a five-paragraph essay?

Answer: Generally, if y'all are trying to write just the minimum, you would look to write five sentences for each paragraph. So 25 sentences in a 5 paragraph essay would be the to the lowest degree you should do.

Question: What is a good sentence starter for a 3rd paragraph in an essay?

Respond: There is not simply ane sentence starter that works for any particular position in a newspaper. What y'all need to decide is what that sentence is doing in relation to the last paragraph. If you lot are adding data, use an adding transition. If you lot are contrasting, apply a dissimilarity transition etc.

Question: I am stuck on writing the first sentence which oftentimes determines whether or not the reader wants to continue. How practice I write an effective "claw?"

Respond: Using one of these sentence starters is a good way to write a more interesting judgement for your "hook." It too helps to commencement with an example or a story which will become your reader involved in your paper. Questions tin can be a proficient starting sentence, or a vivid description or startling fact. Never start with something boring like "In all of human history..." For example, if you are writing about n start poverty, you can start with some startling facts or a story. Here are some sample first sentences on that topic:

Did you know that in America about 41% of children were living on the brink of poverty in 2016?

Getting set up for school in on a Monday morn, John Jefferson hoped the schoolhouse breakfast would be a proficient one since he hadn't eaten annihilation merely crackers since the school lunch on Fri.

Question: What are the best transitions to employ with my torso paragraphs when I'm writing an essay?

Answer: Well-nigh of these judgement starters tin exist used every bit a transition to a body paragraph. To cull the right ane, you need to make up one's mind what connexion that torso paragraph has to the paragraphs before. Are you calculation information? Contrasting? Concluding? Utilise the different types of transitions listed nether those categories. A few of the well-nigh popular ones to apply are: Additionally, Therefore, In dissimilarity, In conclusion.

Question: What other words tin I use instead of "that" in essays?

Answer: "That" is a pronoun used to identify a specific thing or person, so, alternatively, you tin:

1. utilize the name of the affair or person

two. use a description of the thing or person

3. use the pronoun: he, she, information technology

iv. use an alternative name for that thing or person

However, I wouldn't worry too much about overusing whatsoever particular give-and-take considering the best mode to avoid repetitive sentences is to utilise these easy sentence starters and to combine your short sentences. Run into my commodity nearly writing effective sentences:

Question: What is some other way to say, "Equally you can see...?"

Answer: That phrase is a conclusion phrase, and other words for this would exist:


As a outcome

In summary


Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on September 02, 2020:

How-do-you-do Elisa, I have non written a telephone voicemail in a narrative, only my instinct is to non write it within the narrative to brand it smoother. Here is my case: Glancing at my screen, I saw a voicemail and my tum tightened in anxiety. Did I miss the call? Dialing seemed to take forever. Then I heard his voice, "Hi Chris, we hope..."

Elisa Fisher from Texas on September 01, 2020:

I'm writing my first book. I'thousand writing information technology equally first-person narrative. practice yous know how I would write a phone voicemail? This is an example how I take it for now.

Phone. Voicemail


Hi Chris, we hope to run into you at the game tonight. I say.

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on August 07, 2020:

Hi Weird Girl! That is an interesting question. For the most office, the end of the sentence would not be where most people would effort to add variety. All the same, there are different kinds of sentences that y'all tin write, and using a mix of those kinds of sentences is definitely a style to make your writing meliorate (and they would provide different "ends"). My best article on that would be "Writing Constructive Sentences." You can observe it past Googling my proper noun, Owlcation and that championship.

Weird girl on August 06, 2020:

Is in that location catastrophe sentence starters?!

megan on July 14, 2020:

thanks so much you really helped me to complete my story for school hw! x

Raz on July 10, 2020:

Hi thanks so much

Virginia Kearney (author) from United states of america on June 22, 2020:

Hi Anggi--I have not published this in book form, but I've thought about doing that and publishing on Amazon. You are motivating me to recall about that more!

Anggi paramita on June 22, 2020:

This commodity help me for my research paper in college. But, how tin I become this book? I demand sentence starters volume for my inquiry.

Thank you

Virginia Kearney (author) from Us on June 20, 2020:

Glad you find this helpful Kenneth. As of today, this article has been viewed over 2,500,000 times! Hopefully, that volition help us take better writing. I'm so glad people find it useful!

Kenneth Therkildsen on June 20, 2020:

This is a great commodity. I know someone this would be perfect for. Getting as well repetitive in our employ of language can be off-putting to our readers.

oulida mzaidif on June 10, 2020:

it's a great article, keep doing that.

Cheers for this astonishing post on June 09, 2020:

Thanks for this amazing post

George Xu from Philippines on May 25, 2020:

Great article to help me with writing essays! Well done!

Cool Child on Apr 30, 2020:

Give thanks Yous

Matt Barrow on April 29, 2020:

Thank you! This is incredibly helpful for me! I ever have problem writing an essay because I utilise cliched phrases that I don't like. Or I don't know how to offset and structure at all. I write a lot of essays in my studies and I desire them to be skillful and of high quality.

Ben dover on April 16, 2020:

this helped

Virginia Kearney (author) from United states on April 09, 2020:

Hi Jessie! Y'all tin can use a variety of words to show reasons or examples for your position:

I case

Another reason

A third explanation

First, Secondly, Thirdly

Furthermore, an important point

Moreover, the most compelling reason

Jessie on April 08, 2020:

How can I starting time an essay for examples of three things w/o beingness repetitive or using the word things

Virginia Kearney (writer) from United States on March fifteen, 2020:

Hi Landyn, adept for you for realizing that a business letter needs to be in a more professional person tone and that "I" and "the" are very repetitive and make your sentences seem rather less professional. Actually, all of the words in these lists can help you. It might be advisable to use "I" in the offset sentence or at least i of the first sentences if you lot are introducing yourself, just you lot tin also utilize the technique of reversing the words in a sentnce or adding an introductory element. to make the judgement audio more interesting. Hither are some examples:

I am writing to ask you to consider me for a position in your visitor because I am an expert in communication engineering.

As an proficient in communication technology, I am writing to ask you to consider me for a position in your visitor.

Landyn Lindsey on March 10, 2020:

What would exist proficient discussion to utilize at the beginning of a sentence instead of using "the" and "I" for a letter to a business? Also, what would help me exist less repetitive?

Virginia Kearney (author) from United states on Feb 14, 2020:

Hi Ella, I wouldn't worry too much about "the" because words like that are not actually direct replaceable by another discussion. What I think you are having a problem with is using "the" with the same noun too often. When that happens, y'all need to think about other means to refer to that person, place or affair. For example "the volume" could be replaced by the title of the volume, or a phrase like "what I'yard reading," of "novel" or just "it."

Ella Anderson on February 12, 2020:

I´thousand writing an essay, and we are trying not to be repetitive. What is another discussion I can use for ¨the¨?

mia on January 04, 2020:

thank you very much this website is very helpful.

Kelly Ann Christensen from Overland Park, Johnson County, Kansas on December 30, 2019:

Thank you for another informative, helpful article.

Jerry Fifty. Harrell Sr. on December 24, 2019:

Thank you, I didn't know of this website fifty-fifty was effectually for someone to apply to learn how to write anything. I am going to start using this website to acquire. I'm starting to write essays for school and journals.

Javier Martínez on November 10, 2019:

Thanks for this helpful website I'yard from Spain and I'm doing my C1 English examination next week and I'chiliad pretty confident cheers to this

Sam Wally on October 23, 2019:

Cheers, this was very helpful for i of my candidate paragraphs about why should I picked for this function, thanks!

Virginia Kearn on October 22, 2019:

Thank you for helping me go a xxx/30 on my writting

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October eighteen, 2019:

If you have several things yous desire to say about the importance of the Inca roads, y'all tin can utilize these sentence starters:

Ane reason the Inca roads were important is...

A second importance of the roads was...

Thirdly, the roads caused...

Finally, the ultimate significance of the roads was...

Virginia Kearn on October eighteen, 2019:

Im in school, Nosotros are talking about the Inca Roads and I've already talked about Why the roads were important just I dont know how to sart of my sentence with " This is pregnant because"

By the way im in fifth grade.☺

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October xvi, 2019:

Hi Madison, you can begin a conclusion with any of the following: in sum, finally, the chief point, in decision, the most of import thing to call up, or obviously.

Madison on Oct 15, 2019:

How should i start off my conclusion?

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on Oct 14, 2019:

Cheers for sharing my website. I take over 100 articles on writing. You lot can find them by searching on the website or just type the kind of essay yous are wirting in Google along with "Owlcation" and VirginiaLynne and yous should observe what I've written on that topic.

Virginia Kearney (author) from U.s.a. on October 14, 2019:

Hullo Ali! I have over 100 English writing essays here on Owlcation. You lot can look at my profile for some of them or search by my name.

Sharon Lopez from Philippines on October 14, 2019:

This is such a helpful slice and I am lucky that I came across your article. Thanks. I tin can't wait to come across your other posts.

yourfavlatina on October 13, 2019:

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Ali lan on Oct 12, 2019:

Thank you so much i am doing a alphabetic character with paragraphs for my first english examination and this really helped and i am Asian so i struggle a lot,Please mail more of theses stuff thanks

formvsfunction on September fifteen, 2019:

Sadly the Language Arts teachers my children had from 6-10th course were abysmal. Your clear and concise tips is very helpful to my son -- he struggles with organization and then he needs tools that can assist exist a meliorate writer and communicator of his ideas. thanks - nosotros volition check out all your postings!!

Matilda6 on Baronial 28, 2019:

Admittedly not bad for essay writing thanks!

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Anonymous on May 25, 2019:

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offical_Daddy on April 29, 2019:

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John Wick on April 26, 2019:


Nora on April 17, 2019:

Bully help!! Thank you!!!

Lubna Shahnaz on April 06, 2019:

Very helpful indeed.

Virginia Kearney (author) from United states on March 28, 2019:

Hi Ariana, I'thousand glad to hear my article helped. I have 100+ manufactures on how to write. You can find them by looking at my contour page, owlcation'south abode folio, or past Googling my name and the topic you need help with.

Ariana on March 27, 2019:

Hello Ms. Kearney,

Thank you so much for creating this website! My essays will be a million times better at present! Are at that place whatsoever other articles that you would recommend for me? I intend to read more than past y'all!

Cheers Again,


~*NightStorm*~ on March 27, 2019:

This helped a lot!

I was racing against time to do my five paragraph essay as the teacher timed my class and I clicked on this and my mind was broad opened with the meg ideas I could add.

Amaria on March 21, 2019:

This was dandy!!

selin on March xx, 2019:

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Spase on March twenty, 2019:

Thanks brilliant help!

unknown on March nineteen, 2019:

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Mathias Tommy on March 17, 2019:

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Shaymaa.alakbaree on Feb 10, 2019:

Thank you lot then much

sky on December ten, 2018:

these are very skillful sentences starters.

zainab on Nov 19, 2018:

i love this website

Jackie on November fourteen, 2018:

Thanks so much this helped to my essays soo much ;)

angie on October 06, 2018:

Thank you for the wonderful words and the way you prepare it to go far empathize. : )

Mandisa Madonda on October 06, 2018:

Thanks a lot...these words actually helped me...i'chiliad a student

Andrew matenga on October 01, 2018:

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Ereta on September 17, 2018:

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this is very helpful

Cassie on Baronial 12, 2018:

This is very helpful

Muhammad Abdullah on July 09, 2018:

Very effective and helpful thank y'all so much.

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on July 02, 2018:

Hi Nicole--I accept lots of instructions on how to write articles. I'd propose you outset looking at my articles on How to Write an Argument Essay at Owlcation. Google that and yous'll find information technology.

Nicole on July 01, 2018:

My son has to write a 500 word essay on violence and the Touch on. And yeah I've never in my life wrote an essay. So not sure on how to even kickoff nor word it? Can someone please clue me in thanks.

evan on June 12, 2018:

Helped me

SaraFPU on May xxx, 2018:

This commodity was concise and helpful :)

Virginia Kearney (writer) from United States on May 06, 2018:

Hi "Don't!"

I call back your sentence would work but it is a scrap hard to tell out of context of the paragraph. Still, I think it would be better if you said:

Until, finally, Lindbergh made it to Paris...


Finally, Lindbergh made it to Paris...


The crowd watched for hours until, finally, Lindbergh fabricated it to Paris.

Don't desire to tell you my name.... on May 06, 2018:

Hi Tin can I say Until finally Lindbergh had made it to Paris?

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on April 27, 2018:

How about an electrifying (or provocative) gastronomical event? Or

Helen Davies1 on Apr 27, 2018:

can you lot recommend an alternative for the words:

sizzling experience (nutrient review)

Dilnoza on April 18, 2018:

thanks a million!!!

Pipit on April 07, 2018:

Give thanks you very much

Lovi on March 27, 2018:

Thanks mate! helps a lot

suzy on March 21, 2018:

thank you a lot!

Steven on March thirteen, 2018:

This is insightful, thank you so much

Fuat on March 13, 2018:

Thank you so much, Virginia.

Virginia Kearney (author) from Usa on March 12, 2018:

Hi Fuat, I at present understand your question more clearly. With the added information you requite here, I would have to say that "especially" is non a good substitute for "in particular." In a dialogue or quoting someone talking, I think it would be advisable to use the sentences "I take a number of hobbies. Especially, I like swimming." However, in a formal written document, it is not really the right form in American English. "In particular, I like pond" is a correct phrase.

Fuat on March 12, 2018:

Thanks Virginia. And yet in your samples "especially" refers to "in the summer" and "when information technology is a warm day" respectively, whereas in my example it referred to "pond". So, again, can it be used in place of "in item" - as in "I take a number of hobbies. In detail/especially, I like swimming". Cheers in advance.

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March eleven, 2018:

To make this a good sentence you demand something between "especially" and the subject "I." These words would explicate the "specially" when or what. Here are some samples:

Especially in the summer, I like pond.

Specially when it is a very warm day, I like swimming.

Fuat on March 11, 2018:

Thank you a lot, Virginia. So, would a sentence like "Especially I like swimming" be right?

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March 10, 2018:

Hullo Fuat, these are words that are intended to help you start your sentences with something other than just the subject. Some of these words work lonely and others need to be put into a phrase. "Especially" is one of those sorts of words. Here are some examples:

Specially in the summer, I honey to have a walk in the woods.

Especially when my daughter is taking a nap, I enjoy a quiet loving cup of tea and a good novel.

Especially overnice is a hot summertime twenty-four hour period and a absurd dip in our neighbor's pool.

Fuat on March 10, 2018:

Hello, Virginia. Thanks for this undoubtedly useful commodity. I'd like to analyze something: the title of this material is "sentence starters". Does it mean that the above mentioned words can exist used at the beginning of a sentence? east.yard. Tin can I start a sentence with "especially"? Thank you in advance.

logan paul on March 01, 2018:

thank you for this

Wolffy on Feb 07, 2018:

Thanks for this, I used this for my essay and I got an A.

cheyenne hartsfield on January 26, 2018:

Thank you i cant expect to print this out and carry it with me for my English class . And have it out when i tin .

Prilum on January xix, 2018:

Very effective and helpful

Anand on January 18, 2018:

Very nice

Extremely helpful

Especially for me

I hope other south as well enjoyed.

Thanks a lot.

JC on January 16, 2018:

I can now write a meliorate essay, thanks to this.

DJ on Jan x, 2018:



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