Is Dandruff Contagious? Know The Surprising Truth Here!

Dandruff is a common scalp condition affecting almost half of the population around the world (one). Merely is dandruff contagious? The good news is it is not. Merely it can put you in an embarrassing situation.

This pesky scalp status is characterized by xanthous-white flakes where your scalp becomes red and scaly. Those flakes can make your scalp itchy, cause discomfort, and trigger yous to scratch your scalp, causing hair breakage and hair loss.

Hence, this scalp condition should exist treated at the earliest. This commodity explores what causes dandruff, the common myths associated with it, and how to care for information technology effectively. Scroll down for more than information.

Is Dandruff Contagious?

No, dandruff is non contagious! You can not grab it or laissez passer it on to others. It is a common misconception that dandruff can spread from one person to another due to proximity or sharing of pillows or combs.

Dandruff is not a serious pare condition and is as well not caused by unhygienic scalp conditions. Roll down to larn what exactly causes dandruff.

What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis is caused due to the overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia (2). This fungus naturally occurs in all warm-blooded animals, including humans. It feeds on the natural oils or scalp sebum. Every bit a result, white and oily flakes may clump together and flake off as dandruff from the scalp.

While Malassezia may cause dandruff, there are multiple factors responsible for promoting its overgrowth. This includes using harsh products, frequent combing, shampooing, stress, weakened immune system, exposure to sunlight, and hormonal changes.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a peel condition that affects the scalp and causes dandruff. They have the same features and respond to the same treatment. Even so, the severity and the area they affect might differ. Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects the seborrheic areas of your torso, including the scalp. Information technology may likewise touch on other body parts, similar the face, upper chest, and the expanse around the ear and the neck. When on the scalp and is accompanied by mild flaking and inflammation, it is commonly called dandruff (three).

Frequently, due to the lack of proper information and proper scientific enquiry, myths are circulated virtually dandruff and its side effects. In the next section, we have debunked some of those common myths.

Common Myths Associated With Dandruff

Myth 1: Poor Hygiene Causes Dandruff

Truth: No, poor hygiene does not cause dandruff. In fact, over-shampooing and frequent brushing tin trigger dandruff. On the other hand, non shampooing regularly can besides cause production buildup, oily scalp, and excess expressionless pare cells, triggering Malassezia overgrowth, causing dandruff and scalp acne.

Myth 2: Dry Scalp Is Prone To Dandruff

Truth: No. Dry out scalp and dandruff share the same symptom – flakiness. However, both are different. Dandruff is caused by fungal growth and dead jail cell and oil buildup. On the other hand, a dry scalp may exist caused by a lack of wet, harsh shampoos and conditioners, and styling products.

Myth 3: Dandruff Causes Hair Loss

Truth: No, dandruff does not cause hair loss. Frequent brushing and scratching your itchy scalp tin impairment your hair roots, causing hair fall and breakage. Pilus autumn can also be triggered past underlying issues like stress, lack of proper diet, and whatever medical status.

Myth 4: Regular Shampooing Can Get Rid Of Dandruff

Truth: No. Over-washing tin further irritate the scalp and strip the natural oils and cause hair autumn and breakage. Shampooing twice or thrice a week can keep the scalp clean, balance the pH levels, and forbid Malassezia overgrowth. Also, you need medicated shampoos to go rid of dandruff.

Medicated dandruff shampoos are effective as they contain ingredients that may eliminate dandruff. They are available either on prescription or as OTC products.

How Tin can I Treat Dandruff?

Here is a list of OTC products and ingredients that may help clear dandruff (4).

Anti-Dandruff Shampoos How They Westork
Nizoral (contains ketoconazole)

Loprox (contains ciclopirox)

Ketoconazole and ciclopirox are antifungal ingredients that can eliminate the dandruff-causing fungus, making them very constructive against dandruff.

Neutrogena T-Sal (contains salicylic acrid)

Selsun Blue (contains selenium sulfide)

Sulfur or salicylic acid-based shampoos can dissolve scales from the scalp and eliminate dandruff flakes. These keratinolytic agents prevent hardening of the scalp.

Selenium sulfide is an antimicrobial agent that reduces Malassezia growth. However, information technology might go out the hair oily or greasy.

Tip: Ever utilize a conditioner as these products might dry out the scalp.

Head & Shoulders (contains zinc pyrithione) Zinc pyrithione has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It controls oil production and exfoliates the scalp removing flaky dandruff.
Neutrogena T-Gel and Zetar (incorporate coal tar) Tar-based products prevent microbial growth and remove dandruff flakes. However, they can stain hands. Hence, they may not exist suitable for blonde or light-colored hair.
Clobex (contains Clobetasol) Corticosteroids are effective in reducing inflammation.
How To Use
  1. Follow the instructions on the shampoo canteen.
  2. Some products can be done off immediately. However, for effective results, leave them on for 5-ten minutes.
  3. You can use them weekly or monthly, depending on the severity of dandruff.

Yous can find a detailed listing of the best drugstore anti-dandruff shampoos hither. You may read this article if you are looking for domicile remedies.

These are the all-time products to care for dandruff. Are y'all wondering if these shampoos cure dandruff forever? Scroll down to notice out.

Can You Cure Dandruff Permanently?

No. You lot cannot cure dandruff, simply you can control information technology with the remedies. As long as you follow the measures and utilize products to foreclose Malassezia overgrowth, dandruff may not recur.

Hence, it is crucial to utilise the products regularly equally a preventive measure. You tin can keep dandruff at bay with a expert hair intendance routine. Besides, follow a healthy, active, and stress-free lifestyle. Nevertheless, if the trouble persists, consult a dermatologist.


Stop losing your sleep by thinking dandruff is contagious. Although it is not life-threatening, information technology tin be an embarrassing and frustrating experience if non treated at the earliest. There are constructive OTC anti-dandruff shampoos to get rid of dandruff. Effort using them, and if the problem persists, consult a dr. to diagnose and care for the underlying condition.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed past verified information from peer-reviewed and academic enquiry papers, reputed organizations, enquiry institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Check out our editorial policy for farther details.

  • Revisiting dandruff
  • Malassezia Fungi Are Specialized to Live on Skin and Associated with Dandruff, Eczema, and Other Skin Diseases
    https://world wide
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff: A Comprehensive Review
  • Dandruff: The Most Commercially Exploited Skin Disease

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