Im Hopful That One Day the Crusade Will Ride Again

Tales of intrigue, religious fervour, and betrayal. That's a basic summary of the Crusades! All the same, in this article, we will dig deeper. Nosotros will analyse the reasons and origins of each of the Four Crusades, the fundamental events of each Crusade, and their implications.

The Crusades were a series of religiously motivated campaigns to recapture the Holy Lands of the Middle East, peculiarly Jerusalem. They were initiated by the Latin Church and, although initially noble in nature, became increasingly motivated by the desire of the West to achieve economic and political power in the East. This was most notably seen in the attack on Constantinople during the 4th Crusade in 1203.

Cause A religiously motivated war. The term crusade refers specifically to the Christian faith, and the wars initiated past the Latin Church. This was considering the fighters were seen equally taking upwardly the cross in the same way that Jesus Christ carried his cross in Golgotha before he was crucified.
East-West Schism of 1054 The East-Westward Schism of 1054 refers to the separation of the Western and Eastern churches led by Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius respectively. They both excommunicated each other in 1054 and that meant that either church ceased to recognise the validity of the other.
Papal balderdash A public prescript issued by the Pope.
Seljuk Turks The Seljuk Turks belonged to the Not bad Seljuk Empire which emerged in 1037. Equally the empire grew they became increasingly antagonistic to the Byzantine Empire and the crusaders as they all wanted control of the lands around Jerusalem.
Gregorian Reform A vast movement to reform the Catholic Church which started in the eleventh century. The nearly relevant function of the reform movement is that it reaffirmed the doctrine of Papal Supremacy (which y'all will notice explained below).

Causes of the Crusades

The Crusades had multiple causes. Let'due south explore them.

The division of Christianity and the ascendancy of Islam

Since the founding of Islam in the seventh century, in that location had been religious conflict with the Christian nations to the east. By the eleventh century, Islamic forces had reached as far equally Spain. The situation in the Holy Lands of the Middle Eastward was also worsening. In 1071 the Byzantine Empire, nether Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes, lost at the Battle of Manzikert to the Seljuk Turks, leading to the loss of Jerusalem ii years later in 1073. This was considered unacceptable, as Jerusalem was the place where Christ performed a lot of his miracles and the place where he was crucified.

In the eleventh century, specifically the period 1050-80, Pope Gregory Seven initiated the Gregorian Reform, which argued for Papal supremacy. Papal Supremacy was the idea that the Pope should be considered Christ's true representative on earth and thus have supreme and universal power over the whole of Christianity. This reform motion increased the power of the Catholic Church building and the Pope became more assertive in his demands for Papal Supremacy. In actuality, the doctrine of Papal supremacy was present since the 6th century. Nonetheless, Pope Gregory Vii's argument for it made demands for the doctrine'due south adoption specially strong in the eleventh century.

This created disharmonize with the Eastern Church building, which viewed the Pope every bit merely ane of the five patriarchs of the Christian Church, alongside the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Jerusalem. Pope Leo 9 sent a hostile legation (a diplomatic minister whose rank is lower than that of an ambassador) to the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1054, which led to mutual ex-advice and the East-West Schism of 1054.

The Schism would leave the Latin Church with a long-running discontent against the Byzantine Kings of the East and monarchical power in general. This was seen in the Investiture Controversy (1076) where the Church argued adamantly that the monarchy, Byzantine or not, should non have the right to appoint church officials. This was a clear divergence with the Eastern Churches that by and large mostly accustomed the ability of the Emperor, thus exemplifying the furnishings of the Schism.

The Quango of Clermont

The Council of Clermont became the major catalyst of the First Crusade. Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos I was apprehensive most the safety of the Byzantine empire following their defeat at the Battle of Manzikert to the Seljuk Turks, who had reached as far equally Nicaea. This concerned the Emperor because Nicaea was very close to Constantinople, the power heart of the Byzantine Empire. As a result, in March 1095 he sent envoys to the Council of Piacenza to inquire Pope Urban Ii to militarily assist the Byzantine Empire confronting the Seljuk Dynasty.

Despite the recent schism, Pope Urban responded favourably to the request. He was hoping to heal the schism of 1054 and reunite the East and Westward Churches under Papal supremacy.

In 1095, Pope Urban II returned to his native France to mobilise the faithful for the Crusade. His trip culminated in the x-mean solar day Council of Clermont where on 27 Nov 1095 he gave an inspiring sermon to nobles and clergy in favour of religious war. Pope Urban stressed the importance of charity and helping the Christians of the East. He advocated for a new kind of holy war and reframed the armed conflict as a way to peace. He told the true-blue that those who died in the Cause would become directly to heaven; God had canonical the crusade and was on their side.

Theology of war

Pope Urban's urge to fight was met with a lot of pop back up. It might seem odd to the states today that Christianity would marshal itself with war. But at the time, violence for religious and communal purposes was common. Christian theology was strongly linked to the militarism of the Roman empire, which had previously ruled the territories now occupied by the Catholic church and the Byzantine Empire.

The doctrine of Holy State of war dates dorsum to the writings of St Augustine of Hippo (fourth century), a theologian who argued that war could exist justified if it was sanctioned by a legitimate authority like a King or Bishop, and was used to defend Christianity. Pope Alexander II developed recruitment systems via religious oaths from 1065 onwards. These became the basis of the recruitment system for the crusades.

The First Crusade, 1096-99

Despite the fact that the crusaders had all the odds against them, the First Cause was very successful. It achieved many of the objectives that the crusaders had prepare.

The Crusades Peter the Hermit StudySmarter Miniature of Peter the Hermit leading the People'due south Crusade (Egerton 1500, Avignon, fourteenth century), Wikimedia Eatables.

The People's March

Pope Urban planned to showtime the Crusade on 15 August 1096, the Feast of the Assumption, but an unexpected army of peasants and petty nobles set up off before the Pope's army of aristocrats under the leadership of a charismatic priest, Peter the Hermit. Peter was not an official preacher sanctioned past the Pope, simply he inspired fanatical enthusiasm for the Cause.

Their march was punctuated by a lot of violence and quarreling in the countries they crossed, specially Hungary, despite the fact they were on Christian territory. They wanted to forcefulness the Jews they encountered to catechumen only this was never encouraged past the Christian church building. They killed the Jews who refused. The crusaders pillaged the countryside killed those who stood in their way. In one case they reached Asia Pocket-size, most were killed by the more than experienced Turkish regular army, for example at the Battle of Civetot in October 1096.

The siege of Nicaea

There were iv main Crusader armies that marched towards Jerusalem in 1096; they numbered 70,000-80,000. In 1097, they reached Asia Minor and were joined past Peter the Hermit and the remainder of his ground forces. Emperor Alexios as well sent 2 of his generals, Manuel Boutiumites and Tatikios to help in the fight. Their showtime objective was to retake Nicaea, which used to be part of the Byzantine Empire before it was captured by the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum under Kilij Arslan.

Arslan was campaigning in Central Anatolia against the Danishmends at the time and initially did not remember the Crusaders would pose a run a risk. However, Nicaea was subjected to a lengthy siege and a surprisingly large number of crusader forces. Upon realising this, Arslan rushed back and attacked the crusaders on xvi May 1097. There were heavy losses on both sides.

The crusaders had problem forcing Nicaea to surrender because they could non successfully blockade lake Iznik on which the urban center was situated and from which it could be supplied. Eventually, Alexios sent ships for the crusaders rolled on logs to be transported on land and into the lake. This finally broke the city, which surrendered on 18 June.

The siege of Antioch

The Siege of Antioch had ii phases, in 1097 and 1098. The first siege was staged by the crusaders and lasted from 20 October 1097 to 3 June 1098. The city lay in a strategic position on the crusaders' way to Jerusalem through Syrian arab republic as supplies and war machine reinforcements were controlled through the city. Even so, Antioch was an obstacle. Its walls were over 300m high and were studded by 400 towers. The Seljuk governor of the metropolis had predictable the siege and had started stockpiling food.

The crusaders raided the surrounding areas for nutrient supplies in the weeks of the siege. As a result, they soon had to look further afield for supplies, putting themselves in a position to be ambushed. By 1098 1 in 7 crusaders was dying of starvation, which led to desertions.

On 31 December the ruler of Damascus, Duqaq, sent a relief force in back up of Antioch, merely the crusaders defeated them. A second relief strength arrived on 9 February 1098 nether the Emir of Aleppo, Ridwan. They were likewise defeated and the city was captured on three June.

Kerbogha, the ruler of the Iraqi city of Mosul, began a second siege of the city to drive the crusaders abroad. This lasted from 7 to 28 June 1098. The siege ended when the crusaders left the city to face Kerbogha's army and succeeded in defeating them.

The siege of Jerusalem

Jerusalem was surrounded by arid countryside with trivial nutrient or water. The crusaders could not hope to take the urban center through a lengthy siege and thus chose to assault it straight. By the time they reached Jerusalem, only 12,000 men and 1500 cavalry remained.

Morale was depressiondue to a lack of food and the harsh conditions the fighters had to endure. The unlike crusader factions were becoming increasingly divided. The first assault took place on 13 June 1099. It was not joined by all factions and was unsuccessful. The leaders of the factions had a meeting afterward the first attack and agreed that a more than concerted effort was needed. On 17 June, a group of Genoese mariners provided the crusaders with engineers and supplies, which boosted morale. Another crucial aspect was a vision reported by the priest, Peter Desiderius. He instructed the crusaders to fast and march barefoot around the city walls.

On 13 July the crusaders finally managed to organise a strong plenty assault and enter the urban center. A bloody massacre ensued in which the crusaders indiscriminately killed all Muslims and many Jews.


As a result of the First Crusade, four Crusader States were created. These were the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Tripoli. The states covered much of what is at present called Israel and the Palestinian Territories, likewise as Syrian arab republic and parts of Turkey and Lebanese republic.

The Second Crusade, 1147-50

The 2nd Cause took place in response to the fall of the Canton of Edessa in 1144 by Zengi, ruler of Mosul. The state had been established during the Kickoff Crusade. Edessa was the virtually northerly of the four crusader states and the weakest, as information technology was the least populated. As a result, it was oft attacked by the surrounding Seljuk Turks.

Royal involvement

In response to the fall of Edessa, Pope Eugene Three issued a bull Quantum Praedecessores on 1 December 1145, calling for a second crusade. Initially, the response was poor and the bull had to be reissued on 1 March 1146. Enthusiasm increased when information technology became apparent that Rex Louis VII of France and King Conrad III of Federal republic of germany would lead the second crusade.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Another major factor in establishing back up for the Second Crusade was the contribution of French Abbot Bernard of Clairvaux. The Pope commissioned him to preach about the Crusade and he gave a sermon earlier a quango was organised in Vezelay in 1146. King Louis Vii and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine presented themselves prostrate at the feet of the abbot to receive the pilgrim's cross.

Bernard after crossed into Germany to preach about the cause. Miracles were reported every bit he travelled, which further increased enthusiasm for the crusade. King Conrad Three received the cross from the mitt of Bernard, while Pope Eugene travelled to France to encourage the enterprise.

The Wendish Cause

The call for a second Crusade was met positively by southern Germans, but northern German language Saxons were reluctant. They wanted to fight against the pagan Slavs instead, a preference expressed at an Royal Diet in Frankfurt on 13 March 1157. In response, Pope Eugene issued the bull Divina impunity on thirteen April which said that there would be no departure in spiritual awards between the different crusades.

The crusade failed to convert almost of the Wends. Some token conversions were accomplished, mainly in Dobion, but the pagan Slavs quickly turned back to their erstwhile means once the crusading armies had left.

By the terminate of the crusade, the Slavic lands had been ravaged and depopulated, peculiarly the countryside of Mecklenburg and Pomerania. This would aid future Christian victories since the Slavic inhabitants had lost ability and livelihoods.

The siege of Damascus

Later the crusaders reached Jerusalem, a quango was convened on 24 June 1148. Information technology was known every bit the Council of Palmarea. In a fatal miscalculation, the leaders of the crusade decided to attack Damascus instead of Edessa. Damascus was the strongest Muslim metropolis at the time, and they were hoping that by capturing information technology they would proceeds the upper ground against the Seljuk Turks.

In July, the crusaders gathered at Tiberias and marched towards Damascus. They numbered l,000. They decided to attack from the West where orchards would provide them with a supply of nutrient. They arrived at Darayya on 23 July but were attacked the following day. The defenders of Damascus had asked for help from Saif advert-Din I of Mosul and Nur advertizing-Din of Aleppo, and he had personally led an attack confronting the crusaders.

The crusaders were pushed dorsum away from the walls of Damascus which left them vulnerable to ambush and guerrilla attacks. Morale was dealt a severe blow and many crusaders refused to continue with the siege. This forced the leaders to retreat to Jerusalem.


Each of the Christian forces felt betrayed. A rumour had spread that the Seljuq Turks had bribed the crusader leader to motility to less defensible positions and that bred distrust amongst the crusader factions.

King Conrad tried to set on Ascalon just no further help arrived and he was forced to retreat to Constantinople. King Louis remained in Jerusalem until 1149. Bernard of Clairvaux was humiliated by the defeat and tried to argue that it was the sins of the crusaders along the style that led to the defeat, which he included in his Book of Consideration.

Relations between the French and the Byzantine Empire were badly damaged. Male monarch Louis openly accused Byzantine Emperor Manuel I of colluding with the Turks and encouraging attacks against the crusaders.

The Third Cause, 1189-92

Later on the failure of the Second Cause, Saladin, Sultan of both Syria and Egypt, captured Jerusalem in 1187 (at the Battle of Hattin) and reduced the territories of the crusader states. In 1187, Pope Gregory Viii chosen for some other crusade to recapture Jerusalem.

This crusade was led past 3 major European monarchs: Frederick I Barbarossa, Rex of Frg and Holy Roman Emperor, Philip II of France and Richard I Lionheart of England.  Because of the three kings leading the Third Cause, information technology is otherwise known as the Kings' Crusade.

The siege of Acre

The city of Acre had already been nether Siege by French nobleman Guy of Lusignan, however, Guy could not accept the city. When the crusaders arrived, under Richard I, this was a welcome relief.

Catapults were used in a heavy bombardment but the crusaders only managed to accept the city after sappers had been offered cash to weaken the fortifications of the walls of Acre. The reputation of Richard the Lionhearted as well helped secure victory as he was known as one of the best generals of his generation. The city was captured on 12 July 1191 and with it 70 ships, which made upwardly the bulk of Saladin'south navy.

The Battle of Arsuf

On seven September 1191, Richard's army clashed with Saladin'southward army on the plains of Arsuf. Although this was meant to be the Kings' Crusade, at this point just Richard Lionheart was left to fight. This was because Philip had to return to France to defend his throne and Frederick had recently drowned on his fashion to Jerusalem. The division and disintegration of leadership would become a key factor in the failure of the crusade, as the crusaders were aligned to different leaders and Richard Lionheart could not unite them all.

The remaining crusaders, under Richard, advisedly followed the coast so that only i flank of their army was exposed to Saladin, who mainly used archers and lance-bearers. Eventually, the crusaders unleashed their cavalry and managed to defeat Saladin'due south army.

The crusaders then marched on to Jaffa to reorganise. Richard wanted to take Arab republic of egypt first to cutting off Saladin'due south logistical base but popular need favoured marching straight towards Jerusalem, the original goal of the crusade.

March to Jerusalem: the battle never fought

Richard had taken his ground forces inside reach of Jerusalem but he knew that he could not stave off a counterattack by Saladin. His ground forces had been significantly reduced in the terminal 2 years of continuous fighting.

Meanwhile, Saladin attacked Jaffa, which had been captured by the Crusaders in July 1192. Richard marched back and managed to retake the metropolis but to piffling result. The crusaders had notwithstanding not taken Jerusalem and Saladin'due south ground forces remained essentially intact.

Past October 1192, Richard had to return to England to defend his throne and hastily negotiated a peace deal with Saladin. The crusaders kept a tiny strip of state around Acre and Saladin agreed to protect Christian pilgrims to the land.

The Quaternary Crusade, 1202-04

A Fourth Crusade was called past Pope Innocent III to recapture Jerusalem. The Prize was remission of sins, including if one financed a soldier to go in their place. The Kings of Europe were mostly preoccupied with internal issues and in-fighting and so were unwilling to engage in another crusade. Instead, Marquis Boniface of Montferrat was called, an eminent Italian aristocrat. He also had connections with the Byzantine Empire since one of his brothers had married the girl of Emperor Manuel I.

Financial problems

In Oct 1202 the crusaders prepare sheet from Venice for Egypt, known as the soft underbelly of the Muslim world, especially since Saladin's decease. The Venetians, notwithstanding, demanded that their 240 ships exist paid for, asking 85,000 silverish marks (this was double the annual income of French republic at the time).

The crusaders were unable to pay such a price. Instead, they fabricated a deal to assail the metropolis of Zara on behalf of the Venetians, which had defected to Hungary. The Venetians also offered l warships at their own price in exchange for half of all territory conquered in the crusade.

Upon hearing of the sack of Zara, a Christian city, the Pope excommunicated both the Venetians and the crusaders. But he quickly retracted his ex-communication because he needed them to carry out the cause.

Constantinople targeted

The distrust between the Christians of the Westward and the East played a crucial role in the targeting of Constantinople by the crusaders; their objective had been Jerusalem from the outset. Doge Enrico Dandolo, leader of Venice, was especially bitter at his expulsion from Constantinople whilst interim every bit the Venetian administrator. He was adamant to secure Venetian domination of trade in the east. He made a secret bargain with Alexios IV Angelos, son of Isaac II Angelos, which had been deposed in 1195.

Alexios was a western sympathiser. It was thought that getting him on the throne would give the Venetians a headstart in trade against their rivals Genoa and Pisa. In addition, some of the crusaders favoured the opportunity to secure Papal supremacy over the eastern church whilst others simply wanted Constantinople's wealth. They would and then be able to seize Jerusalem with fiscal resources.

The sack of Constantinople

The crusaders arrived in Constantinople on 24 June 1203 with a force of xxx,000 Venetians, 14,000 infantrymen, and 4500 knights. They attacked the Byzantine garrison at nearby Galata. Emperor Alexios Three Angelos was caught completely off guard by the attack and fled the city.

The Crusades The Fall of Constantinople StudySmarter Painting of the Fall of Constantinople by Johann Ludwig Gottfried, Wikimedia Commons.

The crusaders attempted to put Alexios IV on the throne forth with his father Isaac Ii. Notwithstanding, information technology chop-chop became clear that their promises were false; information technology turned out that they were very unpopular with the people of Constantinople. Having secured the support of the people and the army, Alexios V Doukas usurped the throne and executed both Alexios IV and Isaac Ii in January 1204. Alexios Five promised to defend the city. However, the crusaders managed to overwhelm the city walls. Slaughter of the defenders of the city and its 400,000 inhabitants followed, along with the plunder of Constantinople and the rape of its women.


The Partitio Romaniae treaty, which had been decided before the attack on Constantinople, carved upward the Byzantine Empire among Venice and its allies. The Venetians took three-eighths of Constantinople, the Ionian Islands, and a number of other Greek islands in the Aegean, securing command of merchandise in the Mediterranean. Boniface took Thessalonica and formed a new Kingdom, which included Thrace and Athens. On 9 May 1204, Count Baldwin of Flanders was crowned the first Latin Emperor of Constantinople.

The Byzantine Empire would be reestablished in 1261, a shadow of its erstwhile self, under Emperor Michael VIII.

The Crusades - Cardinal takeaways

  • The Crusades were a series of religiously motivated military campaigns that aimed to recapture Jerusalem.

  • The Kickoff Cause was a outcome of Byzantine Emperor Alexios Comnenos I request the Catholic Church to help him retake Jerusalem and prevent the territorial expansion of the Seljuk Dynasty.

  • The First Cause was a success and led to the creation of four crusader kingdoms.

  • The Second Crusade was an attempt to recapture Edessa.

  • The Third Crusade, also known as the Kings' cause, was an attempt to recapture Jerusalem after the failure of the second crusade.

  • The Fourth Crusade was the most cynical. Initially, the motive was to recapture Jerusalem but the crusaders attacked Christian lands, including Constantinople.

Frequently Asked Questions about The Crusades

The Crusades were religiously motivated wars organised past the Latin Church to retake the Holy State of Jerusalem.

The First Crusades began in 1096 and ended in 1099.

The First Crusade was won by the crusaders. The other three were failures and the Seljuk Turks kept Jerusalem.

The Crusades took place around the Eye E and Constantinople. Some notable locations were Antioch, Tripoli and Damascus.

From 1096–1291, the estimates of the dead range from one million to nine million.

Final The Crusades Quiz


The Crusades were religiously motivated wars, initiated by the Latin Church building to recapture Jerusalem.

Show question


How was the Start Crusade initiated?

Evidence reply


Byzantine Emperor Romanos 4 Diogenes felt threatened by the advance of the Seljuk Turks and asked for the help of Pope Urban Ii. Pope Urban Ii preached nigh a new Holy War to recapture Jerusalem and many volunteered to fight in what became the First Crusade.

Testify question


Explain the Council of Clermont.

Testify respond


The Council of Clermont took place on 27 November 1095 and was organised past Pope Urban II. He preached in favour of a Holy War, saying that it would pb to conservancy and the recapture of Jerusalem and the Holy Lands.

Bear witness question


Who was Peter the Hermit and what did he exercise?

Bear witness reply


Peter the Hermit was not a cleric sanctioned by the Pope. All the same, he preached in favour of the Starting time Crusade and gathered many peasant followers. They started their own crusade (known equally the People's Crusade), which set off before the officially sanctioned crusaders. The People'south Crusade caused chaos in the lands it crossed.

Testify question


How many Crusader States were ready subsequently the First Crusade?

Testify respond


Name the Crusader States that were set up later the Kickoff Crusade.

Show reply


The Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Edessa, the Canton of Antioch, and the Principality of Tripoli.

Show question


How was the Second Crusade triggered?

Show answer


The 2d Crusade was triggered because of the fall of a Crusader State, the County of Edessa, to the Seljuk Turks.

Show question


Which Crusade was known as the Kings' Crusade?

Show answer


The 3rd Crusade was known as the Kings' Crusade because of the direct leadership of three of the most powerful European Kings. These were Richard Lionheart of England, Phillip II of France and Frederick Barbarossa of Germany.

Evidence question


Which King led the Third Cause to Jerusalem?

Show answer


What was the Wendish Crusade?

Prove respond


The Wendish Crusade was initiated by the North German Saxons. They did non desire to fight against the Slejuk Turks but wanted to face up the pagan slavs in the Balkans instead.

Bear witness question


Which Kings led the Second Crusade? (Two right answers).

Show reply


What was the upshot of the Second Crusade?

Show answer


The crusaders failed to retake Edessa. They decided to attack Damascus instead of Edessa hoping it would severely weaken the Slejuk Turks, merely they were unable to conquer it. Rumour spread that the Byzantine side had been colluding with the Turkish Empire, which led to divisions.

Prove question


How was the Third Crusade triggered?

Show answer


The Third Crusade was triggered after the autumn of Jerusalem to Saladin in 1187. Pope Gregory VIII called for a new crusade to retake information technology.

Show question


Why didn't Richard Lionheart set on Jerusalem?

Show answer


Richard Lionheart could not assail Jerusalem because he had been left every bit the only male monarch leading the Third Crusade. The soldiers he was leading had different alliances, and divisions meant that many refused to continue with an assault. As a result he had to retreat.

Show question


What was the outcome of the Third Crusade?

Evidence answer


The crusaders failed to retake Jerusalem. Richard Lionheart negotiated an unfavourable bargain with Saladin in 1192 in which the crusaders would go on a bit of land in Acre and the Christian pilgrims would be protected from prosecution.

Show question


Who initiated the Fourth Crusade?

Testify answer


The 4th Crusade was triggered by Pope Innocent 3, who called for a crusade to recapture Jerusalem. He promised remission of sins to those who volunteered.

Show question


What role did money play in the initiation of the 4th Crusade?

Prove answer


Past the time of the Fourth Crusade Europe was running low on funds to support its crusades. As a result, the crusaders decided to set on the Christian city of Zara and to negotiate with the Venetians (the main financiers of the Quaternary Crusade) that one-half the country captured during the crusade would be given to them as back payment for financing the crusade.

Show question


Why was Constantinople targeted during the Quaternary Crusade?

Show answer


At that place was a lot of mistrust betwixt the Byzantines and the Western Europeans due to the schism of 1054. This was exacerbated past the rumours that the Byzantine Emperor had conspired with the Seljuk Empire to sabotage the crusades. Financial bug also played a part in deciding to attack Constantinople. The crusaders were hoping to utilize Constantinople's wealth to finance a Fourth Cause.

Evidence question


They were a West Germanic group of people that originated near the Lower Rhine region.

Show question


Are the French of today direct descendants of the Franks?

Prove answer


No, they are not. The French come from a different mix of people.

Show question


Which 2 main dynasties emerged in the Center Ages?

Show answer


  1. The Merovingian Dynasty

  2. The Carolingian Dynasty

Show question


Who was the near famous Frankish Male monarch?

Testify answer


When did knights first appear?

Show reply


In the eighth century, during Charlemagne's reign.

Evidence question


What was a knight's career path?

Show answer


  • Go a page at age 7

  • Become a squire between the ages of 10 to 14

  • Become a knight at the age of 21

Show question


The colourful ornamentation that knights had on their shields and outfits. A coat of arms is traditionally unique to an individual person, family, or state.

Show question


What were the 3 types of armour over the centuries?

Bear witness respond


  1. Leather in the early Middle Ages.

  2. Chain mail service after on in the Middle Ages.

  3. Total plated armour in the latter half of the Middle Ages.

Show question


Which two types of protections could a knight's horse have?

Prove reply


  1. A simple textile, that might cover the horse'due south caput and ears.

  2. A two-slice coat of concatenation postal service. A padded helmet, plate head covering, and armour plate of metallic or leather to protect the chest.

Testify question


What 4 types of weapons would a knight utilise?

Show reply


  1. Lance

  2. Sword

  3. Mace

  4. Longbow

Show question


Who was Hugues de Payens?

Show answer


He was a Frankish knight who, in 1118, established the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon which after became known as the Knights Templar.

Prove question


What was a Knights Templar non allowed to practice or have?

Show reply


  • Have property.

  • Receive private letters.

  • To be married or betrothed.

  • Have whatsoever other vow in whatsoever other order.

  • Have more debt than he could pay.

  • Have any infirmities.

Show question


Why were the Knights Templar needed?

Testify respond


They were needed to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, as they would oft be robbed or killed on their journeying.

Show question


Which Pope issued a papal bull for the Knights Templar?

Show reply


When did the Pope Innocent III issue his papal bull?

Show answer


What special rights did this papal bull grant the Knights Templar?

Testify answer


  • They could pass freely through all borders.

  • They were exempt from paying taxes.

  • They were permitted to build their ain chapel for worship.

  • They would respond only to the Pope.

Show question


Past which fourth dimension did knights become obsolete?

Show answer


Past the end of the Middle Ages

Show question


Why had knights get obsolete?

Show answer


  • Many countries now had their own standing armies

  • Changes in warfare

Show question


What is the name of the mod knighthood that tin can exist bestowed on someone afterwards having served a minimum of 20 years of public service or 25 years of infrequent professional distinction?

Show reply


Ordre National de la Légion d'honneur (Legion of Accolade)

Show question


What was the reason for starting the Second Crusade?

Show answer


The fall of the county of Edessa to the Muslims on 24 December 1144.

Show question


Which Pope issued a papal balderdash calling for a Second Cause?

Show reply


When was the papal bull issued?

Show reply


When did the 2d Crusade take place?

Bear witness answer


The Second Crusade took place from 1147 to 1149.

Show question


Which ii forces fought confronting each other in the crusade to Jerusalem?

Testify answer


The European Christian crusaders and the Muslims.

Show question


Which two European rulers led the 2nd Crusade?

Show answer


Male monarch Conrad III from Germany and Rex Louis Vii from France.

Testify question


Which two kings did non join the Second Crusade?

Show answer


Male monarch Steven of Blois from England, and Rex David I of Scotland.

Show question


Who were the primary Muslim leaders?

Show reply


Saif advertising-Din Ghazi I and his younger brother Nur ad-Din.

Show question


When did the German force reach Constantinople?

Show reply


They reached Constantinople on 10 September 1147.

Bear witness question


Who was defeated in the battle of Constantinople?

Show answer


The Germans were defeated.

Show question


When was Conrad III's division all simply destroyed in a serial of battles at Dorylaeum?

Show answer


When was Otto I ambushed and defeated well-nigh Laodicea?

Show answer


When did the Turks attack the French and High german forces and who was victorious?

Testify answer


The French and Germans were attacked on 24 December 1147. The French and Germans were victorious.

Show question


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