Taeyeon Not This Shit Again Gif

jealous » kim taeyeon

genre: fluff, angst(?

summary: y/n simply want mommy's attention.

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Originally posted by taengs

taeyeon was ready to make the dinner, but she can't focus on it because of you. yous were playing on the floor with zero, who makes you lot fall constantly. because of that, y'all express mirth and you keep playing, getting taeyeon's attending.

"y/n~, exist conscientious." she said, standing side by side to the kitchen. she was watching the two of you with arms crossed and a smile wanting to appear.

"huh?" you didn't hear her.

in a 2d, while you turned to see her, zero runned to taeyeon. she showered the dog in kisses, hugs, and more kisses.

yous frowned and pushed the inside of your cheek with your tongue, action that you do unconsciously when you were upset. fortunately, taeyeon didn't see that.

"mommy, i'yard hungry~." you said, waiting for her to come to you and kiss you lot.

"i was nearly to brand the dinner, babe." and she didn't even wait at you.

"you wasn't, y'all're just playing." you humbled.

"did yous say something?" she looked at you.

"no, i didn't." you said, getting upwards to turn on the idiot box. when you sit down on the couch, taeyeon finally put nix downwardly, he walked to you while taeyeon started to melt.

zero was claiming for your attention, but you were busy watching the episode of hazard's time. as you did non even wait at him, he began to bawl, causing the both of taeyeon and you lot to startle.

"nothing! shh, i'm watching cartoons, be repose." that made taeyeon laugh, but it didn't finish the barking.

"give him some attention." she said, non needing to turn effectually to see the scene.

you took zero in yourlarge hands and put him correct in front of y'all, face up to confront.

"listen here, you little puppy." taeyeon was listening carefully. "you accept all mommy's attention and you still wanting for more? i'thou non gonna to requite you kisses or cuddles anymore, y'all have plenty." taeyeon stopped her moves, standing at that place just listening to you. "mommy is changing me, and for you." those were your final words, putting zero down.

similar he were understanding yous, he just lay beside y'all, in silence.

later on, when taeyeon was done with the dinner, she chosen you, but you didn't respond. she walked towards to you, seeing you asleep. she depression-key hated waking you up, you just looked and then calm and cute all the time. but, this fourth dimension she has to.

"y/n…" she said softly, caressing your hair. "wake up, dinner is ready." yous slowly opened your optics, seeing the most beautiful person in front of you. "come on, allow'south eat." she stood up, taking your mitt.

the unabridged dinner was in silence, you lot didn't desire to say annihilation and she was trying to cheer you upwardly.

"baby…" you were still looking at your plate. "yous know that i love you, right?" you nodded. "i'grand not changing you for anyone, beloved."

"just…" you were fix to say everything you wanted, but she knew what was going to happen, you were going to talk very fast without fourth dimension to breathe and without agreement. but one look from her was enough to reassure y'all. "since the end of your tour, y'all've been all the time on your phone or in the studio, when yous're here you merely play with zero. nothing for me."

"come here…" she said, you walked to her and sit on her lap, hugging her and hiding your confront on her cervix. "i'thou actually sorry, i didn't know about that." her hand was caressing softly your dorsum. "don't be jealous of zero, you know that you're the i i dear with my life."

"i dearest you lot too,mommy." she smiled brightly. she left a buss on your forehead, her paw keep going up and down on your back. "now, tin we cuddle?"

"and the dishes?"

"nosotros're doing them tommorow. delight mommy~." you yawned. "i desire to sleep."

"okay, we're going to sleep." you smiled, living a soft kiss on her cervix.

you lot ii stood up, you lot were post-obit taeyeon but you stopped, zero wasn't by your side like always.

"nil~." y'all chosen, only it seems like he doesn't want to go up from the burrow. he looked at you for a second and immediately looking away. "fine, i'1000 lamentable. i was upset, i didn't want to say those things…" he looked at you once more, without moving.

"he will exist with u.s.a., don't worry babygirl." taeyeon said, taking your hand.

one time in the chamber, when you were done brushing your teeth, you run to the bed, where taeyeon was laying downward comfortably. y'all crawled until you were on acme of her, sitting on her waist, easily resting on her tum. she raised a eyebrow, leaving her hands on your thighs.

"what happened?" she asked.

"mommy didn't give me a osculation yet." you said innocently.

"i kissed your forehead a minutes agone, baby." yous pouted.

"no~ i want one hither." you said pointing to your lips.

taeyeon giggled and settled downward, so that her back was resting on the head of the bed and you lot were now sitting on her lap. she was slowly going closer and closer, finally, to meet her lips with yours. information technology was sweet and cute until her easily started to movement at your barrel.

"ah~, mommy…" y'all near moaned when she massaged your butt. that started a brand out session.

your moved your hands to the inner of her pijama, being stopped by her. you whined making her laugh.

"don't you wanted to sleep?"

"but, now i will not be able to sleep." you pouted, wanting another kiss.

"sorry babe, permit'southward sleep." she pecked your lips 1 last time.


Source: https://kinkyshidae.tumblr.com/post/183558360441/jealous-kim-taeyeon

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